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9/11 Mysteries (Debunking) Guide (3 posts)

  1. truthmod
  2. truthmover

    How bout this.

    I don't think there is one forum, open to 9/11 truth, in which you wouldn't find a link to the testimony of people with experience in controlled demolition who do not support the official story.

    The first thing I stumbled on:

    The 9/11 truth movement can appeal to a growing number of experts, including Holland's Danny Jowenko, Switzerland's Hugo Bachmann and Jorg Schneider, and Finland's Heikki Kurttila, who reject the official theory. The debate between the two theories cannot, therefore, be settled by appeal to authority. It must be settled by appeal to the evidence.

    Here are Hugo Bachmann's credentials:

    Point made.

    We are appealing to reason. These people are not.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. They are appealing to the fear of being outwitted. Appealing to the need to keep ones defenses up against the other. Appealing to competitive streaks. Appealing to the easy process of overextending ourselves.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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