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Documentary by CBC: Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off (12 posts)

  1. DBLS
  2. truthmod

    I have seen the light! Global warming is a hoax!

    just kidding. More corporate soothsaying crap.

    The whole program starts with, "Did this baby do anything wrong?" "Putting man on trial." -- Classic manipulation

    Dem, what do you expect from us by continuing to post this stuff? I'm not convinced and I'm not going to waste my time watching more propaganda. If there's any new evidence for your position, then please offer it.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    And a rational critique of the "documentary"

    And here's a link to the website and profile of the writer and director.

    Oh, and I just watched most of the video. Its compelling, but not remotely journalistic in its approach. As truthmod points out, it starts off asking us to consider if we've been lead to feel responsible for our impact on the environment, and then spends the next hour letting us off the hook. Happy ending?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    Doomsday Back On

    Earth's natural defences against climate change 'beginning to fail'

    Ahem, Mass Extinction anyone?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. truthmod

    this is scary

    it doesn't mean global warming is a big hoax. but you sure as hell gotta wonder what the plan is...

    Bill ties climate to national security Seeks assessments by CIA, Pentagon

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. truthmod

    Warmer Seas Will Wipe Out Plankton, Source of Ocean Life

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. truthmover

    Dem, what's that conspiracy again?

    You have brought to our attention many people who think that Global Warming is being mis-understood. You have also implied that there is some motive for this deception. While you have shown us some data, some of which has modified the language I use to address this issue in a more responsible manner (thanks), you haven't really pointed us to anyone discussing the conspiracy in depth.

    You have offered a short summary in the past, but you must know someone, working with some kind of data about the conspiracy itself, who is attempting to expose the "true" nature of the "global warming hoax." Bring it!

    And choose wisely, as the author and source will be examined as well for bias. Once again, I'm not looking for yet another anti-global warming article. I'm looking for an examination of the motives and tactics of an operation to sell global warming, and the precise strategic goals of that operation.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. DBLS

    Well come on man the "conspiracy" that's using Global Warming to further it's agenda is part of the same power structure that brought us 9/11.

    Here's a good article on the elite's blatant use of Global Warming, I know you find the AJ/prisonplanet rhetoric on this issue abrasive and bias but just check the citations;

    Globalists Love Global Warming

    Trilateral Commission, chairman of British Petroleum, CFR, Club of Rome fan hysteria to achieve world government

    Posted 16 years ago #
  9. truthmover

    Dem, once again, we agree that industry capitalizes on environmental concerns in a manner that will extend its power.

    But that doesn't by any means nullify the work of the entire field of climate science. I care more about the environment than I do about whether or not we have a higher gas tax. I acknowledge both of these concerns, but simply care more about one than the other.

    So, please, Dem, let's be clear about the progress we have made. You don't need to prove any further that globalists love global warming. We get it. And I will be exploring this further. But you also need to understand that we haven't seen you show much direct concern for the environment. You couldn't possibly think that humans have no impact on the environment.

    So then rather than asking you to provide more proof of a conspiracy, maybe I should ask you to indicate some environmental concern of yours.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  10. jphwacheski

    I don't know why some right leaning 911truth movement folks cling to the rosy idea that people cant possibly be effecting the world we live on top of ,. ? ! is jebus coming back to save us from our mess?? rational people see the wave of extinction, and it's cause. face reality,. your imaginary friend is not gong to help here,. this is not a question of faith.., These people continue to grasp desperetly at crazy notions that let their tinny minds not face the reality of our collective situation,. . oil grows out of the ground? anarobic,. core. ? what that hmm., the sun is getting hotter? yeah, ok,. then perhaps slowing the greenhouse effect would be a GOOD idea,. no? wake up people its US the PEOPLE and our ways !

    yes we all know that the PNAC people will use any fear real or created to grab all at the power,. . but come on. please.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  11. truthmod

    Thank you jphwacheski!!

    I needed that dose of sobriety. I fear that many of these right leaning folks you mention have been taken in by Alex Jones' ideology whole hog and that they are continuing to take an authority's (just a different one) word for it, rather than looking into the issue honestly and rigorously for themselves.

    Part of these skeptics logic seems to be that if environmentalism is acknowledged by the mainstream or promoted by people in the mainstream (Al Gore, etc.), then this is evidence that it must be a "hoax" or a deception. Yet when it comes to shoddy propaganda pieces like "The Great Global Warming Swindle" or this new CBC trash, they are all too ready to jump on the bandwagon uncritically.

    The paradigm shift of realizing that our capitalist/consumerist/industrial society is an essentially suicidal insane system is probably a lot harder for some people to swallow than the idea that 9/11 was an inside job. The fix of bringing down an "evil cabal" behind 9/11 is relatively simple and painless in comparison to dealing with an ailing planet--resource depletion, mass extinction, and out-of-control population growth.

    DBLS' rhetoric on environmental issues and global warming has shown a consistent lack of honesty, open-mindedness, and plain old logic.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  12. DBLS

    Jules, of course I'm concerned about environmental issues, i.e. the threat to the Amazon rainforest, the gigatons of toxic shit pumped into the oceans, the murder of Wales and any other creature of massive intelligence and self awareness, the air pollution that plagues many cities and on and on... I also though don't like being manipulated by the controlled mass media, "Man-made Global Warming" is as far as the social manipulators are concerned, just another tool like terrorism, bird flu etc. I don't like being f*cked with and it makes me sick that the so called "free press" engages in such blatant fear mongering and propaganda.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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