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Muckraker Report: Why is the establishment media so out of touch on 9/11? (3 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Last Sunday, C-Span 2 aired a session from the 2007 LA Times Festival of Books, called the “Age of Spin Panel,” whose purpose was to explore media deception during the Bush years – a big topic. The panel consisted of Newsweek journalist Michael Isikoff, political consultant Frank Luntz, columnist Joe Conason, and Mother Jones magazine reporter David Goodman, all of whom, with the possible exception of Goodman, are well-known figures within the Washington media establishment. A number of topics were discussed – the Iraq war, the outing of Valerie Plame – but I found the panel chiefly interesting for what was said about 9/11.

    During the question and answer session, the discussion turned to the attacks, and to what extent the U.S. media failed to do its job in reporting about them. A woman stood up and said that she was from New York, that she had witnessed the collapse of the towers, that what she had seen she felt resembled a controlled demolition, and that she wanted to know what the panel thought about the media’s complicity in establishing an atmosphere of disinformation after the attacks. Instead of responding to her question, however, Mr. Luntz ignored her completely and requested that a man in the back row please lower a sign reading “9/11 Truth Now” so that those who “had traveled a long distance that day” could enjoy the panel. “That,” said Mr. Luntz, “is civility.”

    Naturally somewhat annoyed, the woman then asked Mr. Luntz why he wasn’t answering her question, at which point Mr. Luntz aggressively interrogated her, “who do you think did it, who do you think did it?” which, as the woman then pointed out, was not the question she was asking. What was so odd about all of this was to see how quickly the established parameters of the debate broke down as soon as the 9/11 question was introduced, how these four highly intelligent professional journalists who a moment ago had been calmly and rationally answering the audience’s questions were changed very quickly into four guys who clearly felt like they were being personally attacked by members of the audience, which, as far as I could tell, wasn’t the case at all. In the end, the thing I took away from watching the whole scene was that, for whatever reason, when it comes to dealing with this 9/11 issue – i.e. how much did the administration know beforehand about the attacks, to what extent can our own government be accountable, just what happened inside the buildings that day, why building 7 collapsed when no plane hit it, all perfectly reasonable questions that the 9/11 Commission itself was at a loss to fully explain – public intellectuals and professional journalists like Michael Isikoff, Joe Conason, Frank Luntz, and David Goodman are liable to experience a certain hysterical excitability that causes them to dismiss the issue outright, without taking the time to have a more nuanced understanding of the facts.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. thevillage

    Hi --

    I don't watch C-span panels with four males - - !!! But, do you mean David Goodman . . . Amy Goodman's brother? I'd be surprised then that he didn't try to respond?????

    But this also reminds me of how little truth and spontaniety there has ever been on TV -- and LIVE is absolutely gone except with C-span/USHR/Senate.....

    In fact, JFK brought that aliveness and excitement -- and he ended the {Cold War by showing us that it didn't exist. It took Rumsfeld and Cheney in the Ford adminstration to resurrect it!!!

    So -- with JFK and MLK and RFK and Malcolm X, you actually saw something happening on TV --

    Well --- I think from what is being discovered now . . . See SummerClues link below --

    hard to imagine at first, but its logic does become obvious after a bit --}

    Anyway, it points to the fact that some part of right-wing media aided in the illusions of 9/11 --

    Of course, MSM understands the coup on JFK -- Of course, many of those who simply reported it understood that what was happening was demolition -- and many of them mentioned it at the time -- I believe Brian Gumbel and Dan Rather commented on it's looking like demoliton.

    Many are as frightened as we are, I think!!!

    Bless the woman who brought up the question -- It sounds as though Luntz felt threatened - he should feel threatened by his own conscience for all he has done!!!

    I think we have to try to keep talking about this -- letting others know how we feel and where to find information.

    Another part of "SummerClues" deals with the reporter for CNN who was at the Pentagon as the "plane" was supposedly diving into the building. He reports very clearly that there is no plane that has hit the Pentagon nor anywhere near the Pentagon.

    Later, you see him very nervously changing his story.

    This is all like dealing with Tony Soprano -- lots of threats, lots of violence . . . we've had this political violence with us -- overtly -- since at least JFK -- and possibly much longer.

    The BBC ressurected the attempt to assassinate FDR -- which Prescott Bush was involved in. This is just from a few days ago -- here's a link to it --

    Thanks for the C-span report -- Remember, they are only a product of organized cable companies and when we have the right-wing in power, you see much less of liberal issues. I'm not saying that's what Brian Lamb may want -- but what I'm saying is he has to make sure that he can hold onto C-span . . . though its value has decreased. In fact, my cable company no longer provides C-span 2 in the basic lineup!!!

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    Hello thevillage

    Welcome to our forum and thanks for the interesting post. The presence of people in this country trying to undermine our basic freedoms goes all the way back to before the signing of the Constitution. The King had his spies. The principles that founded the country have always been in development, and have always been challenged from within. As you point out, Cheney and Rumsfeld had a lot of responsibility, not only for extending the themes of the Cold War, but also facilitating the growth and power of our secret government. All this has fascist roots, as you point out.

    I'm certainly interested in listening to that BBC report about the assassination of FDR. Thanks for the link.

    The other link is an unintentional violation of our forum guidelines. This wouldn't be entirely clear until you understood that we have investigated the 'no planes' hypothesis to our satisfaction, and found it to have little scientific merit. Our focus on 9/11 truth centers around only the most well founded facts, and most reasonable analysis. We do discuss this subject, but in critical terms. Have a look at out 9/11 Disinformation page.

    Anyway, we're always happy to have a new poster concerned with our history. The fascist infiltration of our government is one of the hardest things for newbies to accept. And yet the historical record is clear. Of course beyond history, we can simply look at their present actions, totally coincident with their long running agenda. Getting people not to ignore what's right in front of them is really one of the most frustrating aspect of our mission.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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