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Latest Hoax Effort - International 9/11 Tribunal (28 posts)

  1. Arabesque

    Excellent thoughts, I couldn't agree more.

    9/11 Truth (or any search for truth) is a personal discovery that can not be taken from any single authority.

    Misinformation and disinformation are equally harmful, and both must be identified.

    I agree that there are moderates who facilitate the obvious disinformation pushers, and who refuse to criticize those who promote disinformation under the guise of "its acceptable for all researchers to pursue their own research".

    That is staw-man used to justify what is the real issue: We are not objecting to alternative research, we are objecting to misinformation and disinformation.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. Victronix

    Alfred Webre will be at the Ready 4 Mainstream event and AFPN just sent out an email to their likely huge list that he will announce the International Tribunal there (nothing about DEW or nukes that are in the document). But the website for the Tribunal has now exposed itself via it's links . . . . it lists "9/11 Key Sources" on the left side as -

    * The Science and the Politics of 9/11 Conference Held in Madison, Wisconsin
    * TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS: Madison 9/11 Conference - Audio Archives
    * September Clues
    * Morgan Reynolds - No More Games • Net
    * 9/11 Issues: Molecular Disassociation by Dr. Judy Wood
    * Chopper 5 Velocity Study by Ace Baker

    Obviously there is no interest in anything besides hardcore nonsense. This is a completely hoax effort if ever there were one.

    "Preview of Interview with Alfred Webre"

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    Good find. Sometimes I feel like we should have a flashing "DISINFORMATION ALERT" on our front page to announce stuff like this.

    "Les Jamieson," once again manages to slip in a whole lotta crap into NY911Truth events, while most in the movement make apologies for him: "he's just naive...he means well...he's done so much for the movement...he's such a nice guy..."

    I believe this is the "International Tribunal" that is also supposed to have Schoenman, Pepper, and others on the committee. But of course, Les probably meant to hand it off to his UFO/disinfo buddies from the beginning.

    Hey Frank Morales--wake up!

    This is unacceptable.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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