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Rick Siegel and Al Qaeda Accusations (7 posts)

  1. JohnA

    I see that Rick Siegel is running a story today that states:

    "Is infamous liar and suspected Al Qaida terrorist John Albanese posting on blogs around the world trying to cover for Gary Welz? What should happen to enemy combatants who participate in extra-judicial killings of Americans and innocents at home and abroad?"

    Any advice on how I should handle this?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. Victronix

    The first thing Fetzer did was get a lawyer to control our group. They assume we wouldn't dare go there ourselves. The two best tools - I would guess - are legal and exposure of their behavior to the public. The Greg Jenkins video of Judy Wood had a powerful impact in that way. And it's cheaper to put a video up than hire a lawyer. More fun, also, I'd imagine, and informs more people to steer clear.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    Don't play their dialectical antithesis

    John, I hope you recognize that this simply makes Siegel look insane. Important point here: No one is going believe that you are a member of Al Qaeda.

    I want you to seriously consider the possibility that their approach toward you is strategic. That they know how to piss you off, and are hoping to distract you and utilize your attention. I urge you to continue to stand on the outside looking in. Continue to be a journalist about this. We are talking about a group of people who's words and actions define them as irrational. Their propaganda has a negative impact on public perception, but no impact on our rationality. They marginalize themselves.

    As they know you are working on a movie critical of them, it would only be natural that they would scheme to throw you off with insults, and slander. I know you have seen more than your fair share of this up to this point, and that your whits must be at their end at times. But I fear that you taking legal action might be an intended outcome of theirs. These kinds of challenges offer them publicity, energize their base, and would certainly take up a great deal of your time.

    And when you finish your movie, we can only expect for the insults to mount. Its just got to be chatter to you at some point, otherwise you are going to fry. The average American won't care what has to say about your movie. Who the hell are they? I think people will be very interested in an expose of movement fraud. The premise sets up in people's mind the idea that the movement is not unified, and that there are relative levels of rationality present. Wrap yourself in the facts, and let them whine at you. Otherwise they might pull you into their mess.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. Arabesque

    I agree with truthmover. Don't let these people manipulate you--they want you to get angry. They want you to do things you'll regret later.

    It's better just to document and expose their antics, like I did with my disinformation paper. After a while, you can't turn around and say, hey--that's just a coincidence, or an anomaly. If something happens enough times it's intentional.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. JohnA

    Court-Ordered Restraining Order to Stop John Albanese's "Death Threats", "Swastikas in Churches", and "Incitement to Violence"?

    I believe John Albanese gained notoriety in certain circles for jealously threatening famous 9/11 Researcher and Activist Nico Haupt. I recently urged Nico to report John Albanese to the Police if Albanese is threatening to commit murder.


    Click here to read John Albanese's written "Death Treats", "Swastikas in Churches" and "Incitement to Violence". Disgusting words from a dangerous nutcase discredit 9/11 Blogger.

    Will Gary Welz add John Albanese to his list of Greatest Mass Murderers of the 20th Century?

    I've seen how John Albanese acts like he's free to post outrageous lies and accusations, and I had to suggest a restraining order to get him to leave me alone.

    I would hate to see you erase your research because of threats from someone like him. Albanese claims someone has authorized him to make posts about 9/11 TV Eyewitness Gary Welz now and Albanese brags that Gary is in fear for his life.

    There's an old Chinese saying that a rabid dog should be put down. Let's hope lying madmen get treatment before we have another Virgina Tech, Columbine, or Belsan with even more innocent lives lost.


    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. truthmover

    Predictable crap!

    John, Yes, this is a concerted disruption operation in full effect against you. Because you are one of their biggest threats at present. They are taunting you. Its like the clever bully teasing you to get you off the swings long enough to steal yours.

    But I ask you once again. Who the hell are these people? They aren't going to get a restraining order, or hurt your family, or refer you to the justice department. That's not their job. Their job at present is to frustrate your efforts as best they can. And they might as well have a psychologist analyzing your posts in order to develop a picture of your trigger points.

    The above message is a perfect example. Every paragraph contains something that will piss you off. In fact, this may have been posted specifically for you to read. It very conscientiously rides the legal line with veiled threats and slander. 'If Albanese is threatening to commit murder' sums it all up. But who else is reading this? NO ONE!!! A few of their people, who pat themselves on the back, and a few of our people, concerned with disinfo. So it may not be meant to slander you as much as make your hill seem steeper. They don't want you to finish your movie.

    Are they making your hill steeper? Is their strategy working?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. JohnA

    I spent an hour last night speaking with Ellen Mariani. 911Researchers ran a story on her deceased husband, implying he was somehow involved with Larry Silverstein. They posted her personal address and email address encouraging people to harass her by asking questions about her deceased husband.

    This is unacceptable - to the extreme. Harassing 911 widows? Ellen should not have to answer to anyone.

    Ellen called me again today (a few hours ago) extremely upset and aggitated.

    I, in turn, contacted some legal authorities and 'others' who are equally incensed by this. There appears to be some momentum to take action this time.

    Its one thing to attack me. I am a public figure who invites criticism by being writing editorials and making films. I accept that. It comes with the territory.

    But harassing a 911 widow over her deceased husband - inventing bullshit conspiracy theories about someone who is dead and cannot defend himself - leaving his grieving wife defenseless against Rick Siegel's propaganda machine is UNFORGIVABLE and, IMHO a tactical mistake that is going to cost them.

    You could say i "asked for it" - but Ellen did not ask for her husband to be killed.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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