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Discrediting By Association: Undermining the Case for Patriots Question 9/11 (6 posts)

  1. Arabesque

    Discrediting By Association: Undermining the Case for Patriots Who Question 9/11 Victoria Ashley is not unique in its mixing of nonsense-advocates with real researchers, but due to this site's high visibility the need to address this issue is all the more important. Efforts to get these small needed changes -- for the sake of the basic credibility of the entire 9/11 community -- have been fruitless. Hence, in order to keep the public aware of the basic role of the insertions of nonsense into our work which sites like are ignoring, this essay was created.

    As we enter the 6th Anniversary of the attacks, the nonsense advocates are meeting for their own conference about TV fakery, nukes, UFOs, and space weapons, meaning that essays such as this are unfortunately increasingly necessary to provide a basic resource for journalists, researchers, and average readers who are questioning the 9/11 attacks, but are coming upon ideas so absurd, so often, that it might seem like most of the entire 9/11 community is simply nuts. But if one looks closely one finds that, in general, these people also appear to have held reasonable jobs and have even won grants for tens of thousands of dollars from the government.

    This basic contradiction which we see again and again -- nonsense combined with expert credentials or high competency -- is a red flag in which only two possible rationales reasonably exist: either the person has begun a tragic course of Alzheimers (or some other organic disorder of the brain) which has apparently not yet been diagnosed nor affected any of their other abilities to function independently, or they are intentionally protecting the official story by attempting to discredit those who are questioning it by association. There are other possibilities - i.e., ego, spite, ideology etc. -- but most of those necessitate such a level of reckless disregard for the truth that they amount to an intentional effort to discredit, nothing more.

    Some will argue that such essays and research as this are only negative, waste time, and risk getting us too involved in debunking and divisiveness rather than the positve work we should be doing instead. Indeed, the individuals described in this essay would likely feel the same -- "Shut up about the disinformation already, and lets all get along!" This is the basis for Big Tent, an organizing strategy which tends to welcome all ideas, no matter their content, for purposes of "unity."

    The truth is, each of us has our own path, interests, fascinations, and abilities, and we can each contribute our best work by following what we feel most strongly about. Sometimes writing about mis- and disinformation is a cathatic exercise which can allow researchers to move forward knowing they have done as much as they can do to expose the charades. I recall discussing disinformation briefly on stage at a 9/11 event while waiting for the main speaker to arrive. Audience members were confused about some of the information they'd recently learned that made no sense to them and someone brought up a question. When I explained a little about mis- and disinformation, the history of it, the examples we know of, the likely possibility that this may be at the root of the topic they were confused about, there was a palpable relief in the room, almost an audible sigh that went across people. It surprised me: people understood immediately and in a gut way, gaining a knowing look on their faces as if to say, "Ah, of course . . . now I get it." After such situations are resolved, I've noticed, events move forward positively. I've witnessed such relief in a number of audiences when false claims have been brought up -- "But I think nukes were what really caused those clouds at Ground Zero!" -- and quickly decapitated by individuals like Dr. Steven Jones, Jim Hoffman and architect Richard Gage.

    We are engaged in a 2-front information war, and pretending that we are not won't make one side go away. There are more than enough of us for all the different types of efforts -- outreach, organizing, group building, physical evidence research, petitions, lawsuits, FOIAs, and refuting false claims -- to move forward in unison.

    The good news is that more and more people are seeing the nonsense and are rejecting it openly in their posts to forums, in their own essays, on blogs, and in films. Creating a firewall between the genuine research and the nonsense will take more than ignoring nonsense, it will take uniting against it. And that takes courage, as anyone knows who has attempted to expose mis- and dis-information and has been met with vitriolic public attacks and threats.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmover


    Well handled, and much appreciated. This is an excellent reference here at our forum, as we are hoping to more and more refer people back to existing posts rather than re-argue a point already well made.

    Your stories about the discussion of mis/disinformation are very encouraging. In our recent interview on Truth Revolution Radio the host Cosmos brought up disinformation, and was very supportive of our effort to address the issue. People really do need to better understand the history of infiltration and the certainty that our movement faces this challenge.

    As you suggest, the path to unity is moving beyond that which divides us. But that takes a compromise from everyone. A responsibility to check our personal ideology and fascinations at the door when working for priorities that transcend personality, locality, or nationality.

    The strength of the 9/11 truth movement is founded in some basic facts that contradict the official view. Everything else may relate or help us, but unfortunately much of it serves to distract us and prevent that unity we seek.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. Victronix


    I was sort of shocked when I saw the PQ911 has now added Von Kleist's "Ripple Effect" in place of IPS . . . anyone advocating that film should not be at the helm of a site that has the level of visibility that this site does -

    "672 linking to"

    We simply should never be advocating PODS to the public like that, and mixing it in with what appears to be our most credible supporters. On top of that, Jim Marrs saying the hole at the Pentagon is 10' wide . . . while in reality it's more likely about 90' wide. So the film is just error after error, at best.

    I didn't get into the issue of the Pentagon at all in the essay, but PQ911 is highly one-sided on that issue in favor of no plane, etc. It also focuses quite a bit on basement bombs for the section on first responders and families. The site appears to have an agenda which is to advocate certain hyped baseless claims -- essentially, basement bombs and no plane at the Pentagon -- while appearing to simply be a neutral listing of biographies.

    I tend to agree with long time researcher Mark R of oilempire who believes that the Pentagon no plane issue is the core mis or disinformation that will sink us. Most of the other stuff is icing compared to that. If we don't address that issue head on, we will lose.

    I hope to move more into that area in the near future.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. Arabesque

    I tried to post this on blogger, but Reprehenser doesn't want it because of the comments section. He did mention that he blocked posts promoting the Disinfo conference.

    He also said that the site admins will be emailing Patriots Q911 to ask for Shayler's removal from the site.

    It's a good start, but we need more.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. Victronix

    Thanks for trying. I figured as much would happen -- Big Tent can't allow critique by definition.

    Patriots Question must be protected from public critique. The essence of Big Tent is a veneer of compromise to protect the service of the hoaxes amidst the real information. That won't ever change with PQ911, even as it may appear to, and even as most intentions around it may be entirely innocent. Adult decisions were made not to remove the bios for a reason (that doesn't suggest intentional disinfo, it merely means that the webmaster is self-aware). To some extent, we need to respect that reason, whatever it is, and simply accept it and respond to the outcome.

    Only one sick email so far . . . something about skirts and slippers . . .

    But I do appreciate the effort.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. DBLS

    Good stuff!

    Posted 16 years ago #


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