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We're not down for NEW TRUTH (8 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Rigorous Intuition's Jeff Wells always has a discerning take on the movement.

    In a press release announcing his decision to oppose the House resolution on 9/11, Dennis Kucinich writes that "if Congress really wanted to honor the memory of those who died on September 11, we would cause the full truth to be told to the American people." Kucinich is also sponsoring two congressional hearings this Fall into certain "financial issues" of September 11, and is the only presidential candidate who would think of - and dare to - ask a roomful of voters, "How many of you believe that the whole story of 9/11 has not been told?" And yet Kucinich is decidedly not the preferred choice of most full-throated activists under the "Inside Job" Big Tent. Why is that? Six years on, who's running this circus?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Check out these religious fanatics

    The U.N.: A Look Into The Future (2of3) Ron Paul Speaks



    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. Ron Paul does seem to tap into a very American brat mentality. Kucinich doesn't.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. Victronix

    And yet Kucinich is decidedly not the preferred choice of most full-throated activists under the "Inside Job" Big Tent. Why is that? Six years on, who's running this circus?

    Which inside job big tent is he talking about?

    The reasonable one, that garnered 600+ sized audiences in Bloomington, Oakland and other cities, and 300+ in Canada in one weekend to hear licensed professionals, PhDs and published scientists talk? Or the monster truck one that grabs anything it can use for fame?

    That's the problem I have with Jeff Wells -- he has an agenda against physical evidence and he smears us the same way the mainstream media does to make his point. Trying to slam everyone who is "inside job" as a Ron Paul supporter is as bad as the Washington Post.

    Kucinich will not get us there either, more than likely! But let's not divide up the camps to smear people. Let's figure out how to all support each other.

    BTW, pairing "Inside Job" and "Big Tent" is in-your-face smearing, not much different than pairing Pentagon hole with demolition. Pairing works. Jeff Wells has a personal agenda. This is not critique, this is slamming.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. mark

    Hi Vic:

    It's not an "agenda" against so-called physical evidence.

    There are a fair number of people who are persuaded of complicity but don't believe the demolition theories, although there is a huge peer pressure campaign to browbeat anyone who suggests there might be some problems with the claims. Qlipoth said... Mark wrote:

    "No, Jeff, you are talking about artificially delimiting 9-11 discussion to one course available--as good as Ruppert ever attempted to do,..."

    ...thus confirming once again that poor old Michael Ruppert is still Whipping-Boy Number One for New Truthers everywhere. Of course Ruppert didn't "artificially delimit" anything. (How could he?) What he did do was to predict very early on that the "physical evidence" line of enquiry would lead to endless, fruitless and increasingly arcane "debates", before eventually terminating somewhere deep up its own ass. QED.

    Jeff said...

    As I've posted before, my point is this: I've seen "9/11 Truth" be hijacked by speculation, whether valid or not, and the best and hardest evidence for conspiracy neglected.

    I know what the collapse of the buildings look like, and I have questions about WTC 7, but we have answers about other things re 9/11 that I consider to be much more dangerous to the conspirators if only they could get some traction.

    I'm talking about things like the coincident wargames including the live-fly simulation of hijackings; the al-Qaeda-ISI-CIA triangle and Omar Saeed Shiekh; Ptech; insider trading, Cheney taking on the new role of coordinating a response to terror attacks on US soil in May, 2001; the standing order for shootdowns changing in June 2001, discretion taken away from field commanders and entrusted to the Secretary of Defense (the order was rescinded after 9/11); names like Dave Frasca, Mahmood Ahmed, Wally Hilliard, Randy Glass, Michael Springmann, Robert Wright, Sibel Edmonds and Indira Singh; Atta's drugs and spooks Florida odyssey; the destruction and cover-up of evidence; Jeb Bush's hand in purging flight school records, and on and on - that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. That's the kind of stuff I wish I was reading when "9/11 Truth" hits corporate media, but it's not, is it? (Or not usually. I'll give credit to Alex Jones: I saw his appearance on CNN a couple of weeks ago, and he really gave it his all to show there's much more to the case than suspicion of demolition.)

    Do the people arguing the loudest for demolition, who suggest I accept the "official story," even know half this stuff?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. Victronix

    there is a huge peer pressure campaign to browbeat anyone who suggests there might be some problems with the claims.

    Indeed, but that doesn't mean we need to behave like WP to respond. The best way to respond is to respond the same way we do to "missile and pod" screamers -- post the debunking links, refute the case, and move on. We don't need to then say that anyone looking at "inside job" issues around the Pentagon is then part of an "inside job" big tent.

    At issue to some extent is that JW creates a hornet's nest himself by taking the kind of emotional swipes that he does at those people, rather than relying on the facts. That's exactly what WING TV would have wanted him to do.

    Different viewpoints can each function separately yet supportively. JW doesn't do that. He's trying to force a position by trashing the other side. That never works. If someone feels that demolition is wrong, they should be making the case, having the debates, examining the evidence, showing why. Otherwise the broad strokes of "only this way can work and your way is wrong" go on endlessly.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. truthmod

    The reasonable one, that garnered 600+ sized audiences in Bloomington, Oakland and other cities, and 300+ in Canada in one weekend to hear licensed professionals, PhDs and published scientists talk? Or the monster truck one that grabs anything it can use for fame?

    Yes, I'm glad to hear there were successful non-Ron Paul and non-disinfo events in other parts of the country. But the face of the movement, online and represented by the two main groups in NYC, is getting to be fairly creepy. Why no report of the Oakland or Bloomington events online--as far as many are concerned, they might as well have never happened? Why no representation of an organized and responsible front by us--the people "who get it." I guess popularity and public relations just aren't our strong suit--diligence and truth don't usually mix so well with them.

    I don't think Jeff Wells really has an "agenda" against physical evidence, he just has an opinion that it might sometimes be a seductive distraction from drier documentary evidence, and that it may not get us any further than the physical evidence of JFK did. Don't worry, physical evidence will always be a primary area of research, and I don't think Jeff Wells will be convincing many people to abandon it. His point seems more about balancing controlled demolition and other physical evidence with a contextual background and detailed understanding of the case.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. Victronix

    Why no report of the Oakland or Bloomington events online--as far as many are concerned, they might as well have never happened?

    I think because people are exhausted! It ended around midnight last night. The Bloomington one was put on by newbies, I have no idea who (a good sign) so a report may take awhile. Carol will likely have something up soon. And I would but I'm at work and not even working yet!

    Posted 16 years ago #


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