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Great job with the video guys!!!! Ground Zero 9/11/07 -- 9/11 Truth (2 posts)

  1. DBLS

    Ground Zero 9/11/07 -- 9/11 Truth

    ^ Just saw it! You've got some really great camera work there. And I'm so glad someone confronted the guy with the "RAT BUSH DID 9/11" sign because he's ruffled a shit load of feathers. This guy's name is "Steve from Vermont" and not only is he responsible for the above mentioned sign, he's responsible for the green and black "USA DID 9/11" sign that pissed everyone off last year, apparently he's responsible for another red and blue "USA DID 9/11" sign that was used this year, and he's responsible for the "BUSH BUTCHERED MY CHILD IN SICK 9/11 SACRIFICE" sign at the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth. He's a bit of a nutcase and I really don't appreciate these totally hyperbolic ridiculous signs he keeps producing. Here's a good discussion about him on the loose change boards;

    Also great job getting that weird "TV Fakery" bloke on film, he looked like a right greasy little disinfo creep.

    Aside from all the disinfo documentation I thought it was really powerful!

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Thanks Dem, we appreciate the encouragement. But why are you trashing us on the truthaction forum?

    Looks like one of the assclowns at TruthMove just deleted by posts, probably that c*cksucker "christs4sale" cus I think he/she is an administrator or something there. Anyway here's what I posted, Danse man the people making these arguments about how they're so dissatisfied with what happened this year in NY are a bunch of bitter losers in my opinion, who chat shit like "they can not accept criticism and function reasonably in a sensible debate" and then delete people's criticism of them;

    I'm not sure what the situation is with the above, but we'll figure it out. Do you have to call us assclowns and cocksuckers?

    Maybe some other truthmovers should register for the truthaction forum and clear things up...

    Posted 16 years ago #


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