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Letter to Rigorous Intuition (Conspiracy Vs. Environment) (1 post)

  1. truthmod

    Letter to Rigorous Intuition (Conspiracy Vs. Environment)


    The machinations of the world's ruling elite certainly are intriguing, but what about the meta-problems of resource depletion, global warming, and the environment? 9/11, election, fraud, JFK, MLK, RFK--all these stories reveal an exquisitely corrupt government/media and an essentially brainwashed public. But these are just small scams in a massive, perhaps suicidal swindle.

    UFO's, satanic ritual abuse, and the occult are interesting (even addictive) subjects, but there is something unsettling in your lopsided focus on these topics over such things as 9/11 and the environment. You've definitely done some great posts about 9/11, but I would like to see you explore these important subjects more frequently.

    To me, the essential point of becoming aware of all this deception and alternative information is realizing that our world is not what we've been told and that something is deeply wrong. 9/11, assassinations, black ops, mind control, whatever--all of these manipulations are just symptoms and re-calibrations of a corrupt and unsustainable system. Once you start to awaken, it's imperative to see the larger picture--we are living in an insane system based on domination and short term benefit.

    Jeff, you know what shocks me more than the idea of Dick Cheney having his own mind control sex slaves? This: the fact that E. O. Wilson of Harvard, the world's most esteemed biologist, estimates that one half of all species on earth will be extinct by the end of this century. What the fuck does that mean to our world? And it is already happening; unless we radically change our ways, that is going to be our reality. I'm not sure you've ever mentioned this phenomenon of "mass extinction" on your site. Wouldn't it be worth at least considering from time to time in relation to the big picture?

    I just re-read your "Peak Fascism" post and comments. There are a disturbing number of people who continually evoke "eco-fascism" and "false-scarcity" and "environmental-alarmism" who apparently feel that you are a kindred spirit. i.e. "the global elite's "Peak Oil" scam (and other "The sky is falling!" environmental scams.."

    I don't trust people who are quick to support UFOs, SRA, and 9/11 but are skeptical and dismissive of global warming and the environment. Environmental issues may seem boring next to secret cabals, aliens, and sex slaves, but that doesn't make them any less important.

    Jeff, please tell me that you understand that this shit is just not made up. Have you read Heinberg's books? Have you seen "An Inconvenient Truth?" Do you see the "elites" moving towards eco-friendly economies? Do you believe that because some oil execs have signed on to Peak Oil or because global warming is starting to get some media buzz, they are engineered scams? Do you believe that the environmental movement is a front for fascists and nazis?

    There is a nagging tendency of people in conspiracy circles to want to fetishize individual events or small details, and to look for an external villain to blame for everything that's wrong with the world and our own lives. Most people want "the evil" to exist outside of themselves, so that they can deny responsibility and it can be isolated and cleansed (there's some real nazism for you). Environmental degradation is an issue which indicts all of us. Of course, those who control policy and information, are more to blame, but as free thinking humans with access to much information, we are all guilty.

    I believe there is a large wing of "questioners" (readers of your blog, members of the 9/11 truth movement) who cannot bring themselves to question their own assumptions, values, customs and thus cannot doubt the larger foundations of the system of which they are a part. Most people want somebody else to change, to "receive justice," or to be "fixed." They usually don't want to even consider that they might have to question themselves and change their own lives.

    Jeff, I am a strong believer in self-selecting one's intake or "programming." And this is not a threat, just an admission as a dedicated reader--I may have to eliminate RI from my diet if don't see some progress/clarification on my above concerns.

    Thanks for all the insight, entertainment, and curiosity.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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