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Portland False Flag warning?? (39 posts)

  1. Victronix

    And why does there seem to be such a strong disconnect between you and our concerns over evidence?

    I think it has to do with belief systems and for those that are this afraid of this situation in Portland, there is little that we or anyone else can really do for them. This is a lifelong coping style so they used to social rejections of all kinds because the belief system is not based on evidence or reason, but fear and sensitivities.

    Evolution rewards fearfulness and paranoia to some extent, however, so these tendencies remain around. Our species probably benefits from the few who are on constant lookout, however annoying it is.

    But as activists we have to consider the larger picture of our work and the aspect of caretaking individuals' needs instead of outreaching the larger community about our goals. In the end we have to make a choice most of the time.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Les Jamieson links to Captain Eric May.

    A Dawning Dictatorship? (911-2B & NSPD-51)

    By Captain Eric H. May - Special Military Correspondent 8/6/07

    Half of the American people believe that the Bush administration is on the hunt for Al-Qaeda for the 9/11 attacks. Another half believe that 9/11 was a Bush administration inside job, attributable not to Al-Qaeda, but to "Al-CIA-duh." Both halves, though, agree on one thing, and aren't shy about saying it: This summer we are likely to suffer another terror attack, a "911-2B."

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. Victronix

    Carol writes on her post on blogger -

    I must admit that Captain Eric May has a very unusual style, and a very colorful background, an almost unbelievable background, but I think he is very sincere in recognizing false flag operations and the intentiona and capacity of our government to stage another false flag operation- should they think that they could get away with it.

    Captain May's efforts might have spared us a 2nd 9/11 in Texas, in Chicago, in Portland, and another 2B 9/11. We may never know. Maybe all those nukes flying around the US, in violation of standard operating procedures, was an innocent fluke- but that seems awfully unlikely.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. casseia

    I need to respond to her post over there, but I need to move past my initial response (consisting of an amalgam of obscenity, vulgarity, and profanity) so that I can be clear.

    Who said Eric May "spared us" a second 9/11 in Portland? WTF? This is the height of irresponsible parroting of someone else's shameless self-pimping. This is how its going to play out: Noble Resolve did not get us nuked, because (oh, just for starters) it was not even a live action drill. But Eric May saved us! TOPOFF 4, coinciding with Vigilant Shield, is coming up in about two weeks. The local Eric May brigade has even attracted the attentional of the daily newspaper, which refers to them as the "feverish fringe" and is going to far as to suggest the need for increased policing -- not for the drill, but for the whackos! So, either a dirty bomb will go off at Portland International Raceway or Eric May wil have saved us from it!

    Despite repeatedly warning the Oregon Truth Alliance that May is evidently obsessed with Jews in a most unwholesome manner, we have been unable to budge them in their close alliance with May. The leader has explicitly stated that she recognizes Jew-hating material, authored by May, is available on the internet, but does not consider it relevant and thinks that even bringing it up to her is a waste of her valuable time.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. NicholasLevis

    It's a deep disappointment that Carol Brouillet, one of a handful of people who started this damn thing, has always been a complete wimp in giving in to big tent philosophy.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. Arabesque

    My Comment:

    Who supports the work of Captain May?

    "In Ireland David Ray Griffin's appearance was canceled and he was labeled anti-Semetic due to posts by "Captain Eric May" being featured on Morgan Stack's website. May is yet another 'former' intelligence person who advocates numerology to expose the 9-11 coverup. May is openly anti-Semetic, describing the media and Hollywood as 'controlled by the Jews'."

    On 911blogger:

    Captain May's efforts might have spared us a 2nd 9/11 in Texas, in Chicago, in Portland, and another 2B 9/11.

    The next 9/11 angle is interesting and I have much to say on it. My opinion is that it's looking like intentional disinfo. The KW controversy is just one part of it.

    May has been interviewed on the radio shows of Barrett (supposedly Jewish/Christian alliance!), Fetzer, and Tarpley. Tarpley, Fetzer, May, Barrett, and Stack all supported the KW and all have been pushing warnings of "9112B"--a phrase coined by May.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. Arabesque


    A US attack on Iran would be the point of no return. After that, activism would be moot. There would be no more talking, just killing. Websites like this would be useless even if they were permitted to exist, which they almost certainly wouldn't be.... Such an attack, spelling the end of the world as we know it, has moved from being a possibility (past three years) to a probability. There IS overwhelming evidence supporting this judgment, along with the judgment that an orchestrated trigger event would precede the attack... Given the above, the organizers of the statement have generally acted honorably, while their opponents have acted dishonorably, or, at best, out of ignorance. That does not excuse Webster's ridiculous and unfortunate accusations, but it certainly explains his more-than-justified anger and frustration.

    Research for yourself who promotes the material of May the most, and you will find it is the same people who supported the KW. Coincidence?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. JonGold

    When I was about ready to hang up my hat a few weeks ago, Carol Brouillet was one of the people that sent me kind words. It's hard to imagine a 9/11 Truth Movement without Carol Brouillet (as Nick and others can attest to). I think if you have a concern about something Carol posted, she has earned the right of slack. Maybe try contacting her personally.

    Be respectful, and honest, and I guarantee she will be as well.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  9. Victronix

    Carol is certainly kind and decent, but that's not the issue. The issue has to do with standards of evidence and not supporting or promoting people who are openly anti-semitic. She's also a main organizer, so the tendency is to cut slack for someone doing that much work. But that's the same with Les. So we see a lot of hoax stuff being supported at the tables and events of main organizers in the name of raising money for events, or supporting people who sound interesting even though they are listed on white supremacy sites, etc. It's a big problem but it isn't about who is nice or kind or has worked hard. That's not the issue.

    One post on Carol's site did shock me, the time that she posted a "joke" by Kevin Barrett about Mike Ruppert. I don't think it's ever helpful to do this kind of thing to people who have worked hard and contributed a lot, regardless of what ego they do or don't have.

    "Now that they've won without me, I hope they realize that it's all part of the great conspiracy--against me, Mike Duppert. Just wait till peak oil gets them, ha ha ha. I'll be sitting pretty in this cave, smoking bat guano with Mark Rabinowitz and dreaming about how Mark and I, together, will repopulate the world."

    (I tried to post the whole thing here only because there are no anchors on her site to link to and the page is massive but it's too distorted).

    June 9, 2006

    Yesterday, I was so busy with housework- my activism has been my excuse for not cleaning the house properly for years, but the day of reckoning came with the carpet cleaners, and I was obliged to empty my living room. I did also work on compiling the Directory of Participants from the Chicago Conference. Mike Ruppert wrote a daming article, reminding me of the hit piece by Daniel Hopsicker after the San Francisco International Inquiry, I think their egos were bruised- so they attacked the movement. Kevin Barrett, ( bless his heart, (in response to Ruppert's hit piece) wrote a hysterically funny satirical piece which I can't resist posting here:


      As Sad As It Was Predictable Regime Change in Washington, DC Marks the End of a Sequential 

    and Planned Campaign to Discredit Only Authentic 9/11 Research--Mine

      by Michael C. Duppert and Jamey Heck
      © Copyright 2006, From The Bilderbergs Publications, All Rights 

    Reserved. This story MAY be posted on any Internet web site without express written permission.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  10. JonGold

    You're right. If she is promoting something detrimental, then she should be questioned. I remember when I first "joined" the movement officially. It was in June 2004 that I reached out to other like minded people. I saw on C-SPAN, and discovered that you guys existed. I had been doing my own thing for a good year and a half at that point. I was researching, and doing activism at the same time. If I found a story, and it infuriated me, I sent the story, as well as several emails addressed to the media, and letters to my representatives. When I first joined the forum at, I felt like I had to get a pad and pencil out just to jot down the people, and the wondrous stories about them. I also remember every other post was an "idea" about how we can resolve this.

    All I could do to trust someone was to judge them by their fruits. As the saying goes, "You will recognize them by their fruits."

    For a long time I defended Les because of the activism he was taking part in. When he didn't speak up with Webster, that was it for me.

    Carol's got a lot of fruit. Bad judgment could account for promoting what she has. At least, that's the first thing that occurs to me.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  11. JonGold

    That's a letter I wrote to Michael in response to this...

    At the time, I was furious that Michael attacked something I perceived as good. Now, I agree with some of what he said.

    My how things change in such a short amount of time... I remember when Michael talked about Webster's book with "monstrous sourcing" in "The Truth And Lies About 9/11."

    I know this is a very Ruppert friendly crowd here, so please don't get mad at me for posting that.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  12. Victronix

    I think your letter is a more healthy response than the farce piece by Barrett, which is using a joking format to actually engage in a personal attack.

    A lot of people had automatic emotional reactions to Ruppert and that had to do with his personality and popularity. I remember going to see him talk and it was a Vets hall in the middle of nowhere, huge and packed to the brim, hundreds and hundreds of people in this hall in farmland. Disruptors got up in the middle of it and that was one of my first exposures to actual provocateurs.

    I think the less that personalities can be involved in the issues, the better.

    But anyway, it's important to keep exposing the Eric May's, even as some defend him. It's surprising how fast most people get it.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  13. JonGold

    I remember one time I sent him an alternative theory about something he had said, and he bit my head off.

    Don't let this become a "Ruppert Bashing."

    Posted 16 years ago #
  14. Arabesque

    Here is my research on the pre-KW warnings and Captain May. I have links to many of his "next 9/11" articles here.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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