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Student is tasered for asking Kerry about stolen elections and skull and bones - (12 posts)

  1. truthmod

    I hope this is seen by millions of people. It's gone too far. Goodnight America.

    The extra sad part is that the comments on youtube show many people actually support the cops. American drones. They always want to be on the side of might. Millions ready to sign up for the Nazi party. I don't want to be a part of this. Fuck this.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. Victronix

    It's Florida right?

    In Miami people were almost murdered when they tried to protest. A reporter was hospitalized. It's brutal down there. The heart of it all, where Jeb is in charge.

    Ignore the right-wing comments -- they are called the '101st Keyboardists' and their goal is to cause you to feel overwhelmed into submission. They move around the internet like ant colonies, primarily drones. They do the same thing to everyone. The girl screaming in the video is real. The anonymous online keyboardists are not.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. One of the most disturbing aspects of this was how the students seemed to regard the event as entertainment, with the dispassionate viewpoint of a movie reviewer. As if this event was a matter of convenience or inconvenience.

    As far as I'm concerned, Andrew Meyer's approach does not need to be defended as it went down. We don't even need to address that since the arrest is from The Twilight Zone, but non-fictional.

    Basically, the arrest was, "Get it away from me, it's freakin' me out." This is the new Constitution of the United States, or at least the basic element of its structural change. "Get it away from me, it's making me feel bad and strange, and since it is making me feel bad and strange, it must feel bad and strange." Comments on youtube went beyond supporting the cops to expressing enjoyment in watching somebody, in this case Andrew Meyer, suffer. So it's now "Get suffering away from me, so far away from me that I can really enjoy watching it."

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. <Millions ready to sign up for the Nazi party. I don't want to be a part of this.>

    And that seems to be where we're headed. It's vgery frustrating. It's like the people of this country actually enjoy being lied to and enjoy this type of inhumane treatment of other humans. Makes me wonder sometimes why I fight for this country. Then I realize that there still are good people out there who do want change, even though they seem to be in the minority.

    Hope will never die as far as I'm concerned. We just need to get better organized, because as far as I'm concerned, right now we're nowhere near it. And I don't know what it will take to get there.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. And quickly, you have people fighting over Kerry's behavior throughout all this, rather then focusing on the main issue. Strawman, red herring, what ever you call it. Never really nailed down those terms. It's things like this that really make me feel as the op nailed it...and truth and justice renailed it. Though i would like to reinsert "fuck this."

    Between this and the recent anniversary sham, how do you find ANY hope?....

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. truthmod

    Prison Planet chooses to write on this angle concerning the taser story:

    Leftist Blogs Defend Police Brutality In Student Tazering

    This prompted leftist blogs like News Hounds to slam Fox for endlessly showing the footage as Democrat websites closed ranks and either ignored what was a savage act of police brutality and political persecution or simply claimed Fox News were hyping the story.

    They even defended the actions of the police in stating the cops were right to tazer Meyer as he lay on the floor. Imagine if this had happened during a town hall meeting with Bush - liberals would have screamed bloody murder and rightly so - but in this instance they applaud the police for their act of torture simply because Meyer dared question their idol John Kerry.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. Victronix

    Good find. I think the effort by PP and others to divide from and disrupt the left is coming out more and more. The Paul Craig Roberts article the other day about the left being 'impotent' helps no one. But many 9/11 people thought it was great. This will probably all ramp up toward the elections and / or the primaries.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. JohnA

    in all fairness to Paul Craig Roberts, many of his editorials have been extremely blunt regarding this administration's tactics and lies. He is one of the very few who has come out on 911.

    PCR has never struck me as having an 'agenda' - other than exposing this administration's lies. Prison Planet on the other hand has a very clear agenda that they weld to 911 Truth.

    I received an email from PCR after i wrote an editorial on's censorship of his 911 stance. OldAmericanCentury ran it - and eventually ran it as well. PCR and i have kept the door open to occasional communications and he strikes me as sincere in his writings to me. he strikes me as genuinely upset about the direction of american foreign policy and civil liberties.

    hey. america is a tapestry of ideas and ideologies. i think it is entirely possible that PCR could be a libertarian AND a 911 Truth advocate at the same time - without reading into it.

    i DO resent the attempts to attach Ron Paul to this movement. that is transparent.

    but - if PCR called the left "Impotent" - i think we would all have to admit that to a certain extent it is true.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  9. Victronix

    Just to clarify, I don't think PCR has an agenda-- the CONTENT of the article was mostly good and yes I share your good feelings about him -- but I think that as we advocate articles describing the peace movement as 'impotent,' we will lose them, not gain support.

    The problem is that every one of us are impotent as far as the Bush Admin and its media machine is concerned because democracy pretty much ends when you move above the level of the local city council chamber, if it's even there. Congress is impotent, NGOs are impotent, the UN is impotent. Good journalists are impotent, etc. The system is broken. I agree that the peace mvmt is impotent, but that critique, I would guess, has to come from within or it will likely be rejected or just to divide them internally.

    PP does have an agenda, but whether that is just about gaining traffic rankings and popularity or something else, I have no idea.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  10. truthmod

    Some times the nastiness with which PP attacks Al Gore/UN/liberals seems even more vehement than the way they describe the neocons. Like they at least respect the macho-ness of the right, while they absolutely hate the "impotence," lovey-doveyness (compassion), and "naiveté" of the left. As if people such as Al Gore are even more sinister than Cheney because they have this supposed world government/depopulation plan that is covered by a moral sounding objective (save the planet).

    Is there also some underlying implication that the left is effete or "gay?"

    Posted 16 years ago #

    If there was any question where Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly stand on suffering. The morals are obvious to us, but the dynamic is probably more pressing. They are cheerleaders for the avoidance of their own issues. It's as if watching somebody else suffer will save them.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  12. truthmod

    Glenn Beck:

    "was asking for it and deserved every single volt that he got," and stated: "I say hit him with another 50,000 volts." He later added: "I would have Tasered him just for being stupid enough to listen to John Kerry for two hours, just yammering on. In my opinion, I don't see Meyer as a victim of an overly aggressively law enforcement agency. It looks as though this guy wanted to get Tasered." Beck went on to suggest that Meyer "put the idea" in the officer's "head" by "repeatedly screaming, 'Don't Tase me.' " The segment was accompanied by on-screen text that read: "Shock and Awesome."

    Beck and O'Reilly should be fired immediately. These are the cheerleaders of the nazification of America. Disgusting.

    70 Deaths After Use Of Stun Gun Lead To Questions Over Its Safety (2004)

    Posted 16 years ago #


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