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Today's Lesson in Incompetent Propaganda, brought to you by We Are Change (7 posts)

  1. NicholasLevis

    Check out this mercifully short video, titled "General Wesley Clark's Call for a 9/11 Investigation"

    My comments, which are certain to be voted down shortly:

    Must we open with Kate Smith does "God Bless America"? You really think anyone who goes for that mawkish Greatest Generation stuff is going to be swayed by such a transparently opportunist and cynical use of the song?

    After 30 seconds of that torture, we finally get the payoff, in the form of the war criminal Wesley Clark, harried at a book signing, delivering an abrupt ten-second brush-off to the effect that he supports an investigation into the misuse of intelligence after 9/11.

    In other words, he's for investigating the Iraq war lies.

    Once again, a case of "patriots question 9/11" proves to be a misquote or false interpretation. As is often the case, this is so obvious that it will have the opposite effect to what is supposedly intended. People will not watch this and say, golly, Gen. Clark (that hero!) is a 9/11 skeptic, so I should be too. No. They will watch this and say, "aha, those 9/11 conspiracy theorists are once again incompetently peddling misquotes in support of their lies."

    And then the signature. "We Are Change"? Isn't that the Ron Paul campaign's youth division?

    Speaking of misnomers: Can't the producers even spell the General's name right?

    Note that Clark's words, if they came from a nobody, would be rocked and attacked by most "We Are Change" members as a cowardly, weaselly endorsement of lihop, blowback or some other heresy.

    There was once a point to showing that 9/11 skepticism is popular rather than fringe, and shared by prominent and influential people. This was accomplished long ago. Now this effort to collect more celebrities regardless of what they really think is counterproductive and self-delusive star-fucking.

    Come on kids, it's supposed to be "WE" are Change, not "media whores whom we falsely think support our cause are change."

    "Truth is not measured in mass appeal."

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. NicholasLevis

    Correcting myself:

    My comment was not voted down, but in fact has received the most votes so far.

    Hmmm... reevaluation of how isolated I feel in order?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. It's as if most people who commented selectively edited while watching this video. The "intelligence after 9/11" seemed extraordinarily clear. "Investigate Operation Whatever Whatever in Iraq"

    One earlier comment on that thread claimed that this sort of input from celebrities such as Clark makes it easier to advocate 9/11 Truth. Maybe he'll suffer for them?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. NicholasLevis

    Selective editing:

    Yes, this is all-too common among those searching for more Patriots who Question 9/11. Or looking for Firefighters Who Heard Explosions. Or Witnesses Who Saw a Missile. Or Mayors and Coroners Who Say There Was No Plane.

    It usually doesn't matter what they said or what its nominal meaning is. Long as it can be taken out of context and spun to sound like they're saying inside job. I think there are two phenomena at work here: confirmation bias and faith in P.R. The first holds that we hear what we want to hear, if it fits our prior notions, and we all know it, and we're all susceptible to it to varying degrees. I think however the second is more important: many 9/11 activists have accepted the P.R. model of people as stupid automatons, and think by repetition of simple slogans and association of the idea of 9/11 truth with celebrities and generals, they're going to get a bigger audience regardless of literal truth in a given claim. I've heard people say as much: "Long as it gets people to look at 9/11, it's good." They hope to fight the stupidity of establishment propaganda with a counter-stupidity. This is a hopeless mission: the establishment dwarfs us in resources, and we need people to be critical of such techniques if they're going to adopt 9/11 skepticism.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. truthmod

    Announcing a new event for WE ARE CHANGE - Greater NY 911 Truth Activist Groups Unite!

    What: Ron Paul Appearance & Fund Raiser - New York City

    When: Friday, October 12, 6:45 PM

    Where: Click the link below to find out!

    Event Description: Presidential hopeful and American patriot Congressman Ron Paul will be holding a fund raiser for the Mises Institute 25th yr anniversary at the Grand Hyatt hotel in NYC on Friday, Oct 12th. Truthers are urged to show support but not dress in 9/11 truth-related clothing. Event starts at 7:00 pm.

    Learn more here:

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. NicholasLevis

    What complete idiots. It would be sheer hilarity to show up there with a Stop the 9/11 Cover-up banner and demand Ron Paul take a position. Also a waste of time - they're doing a great job of taking their group out of the 9/11 truth movement on their own.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. Victronix

    The only way to offset the RP zombie phenomenon is to 1) expose the truth of RP's positions and 2) create a better 9/11 candidate with spelled out reasons why.

    Cynthia McKinney is expected to confirm a run with the Greens this week, but it's not yet final. She had agreed to run, then backed away, now she is going to appear at some Green events so it's looking positive. She will change her party affiliation at one of the public events if this happens.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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