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Kevin Barrett asks Amy Goodman to Autograph Hufschmid's 'Painful Questions' (29 posts)

  1. Arabesque

    Hahaha. Funny pic. My personal opinion is that anyone who spends most of their time attacking people within the movement probably isn't part of the movement. Once you understand that people are trying to piss you off and waste your time because you are making a difference, then you realize that by ignoring them they lose. If they aren't going to contribute anything except for insults and accusations, then they might as well be working for CoIntelPro. I know what it's like to be attacked, and yes, it can get to you until you realize that maybe, just maybe these people are either mentally imbalanced or not part of the 9/11 truth movement at all in the first place.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. Arabesque

    Kevin Barrett has interviewed May several times on his radio show.

    Quote: Why does both MUJCA and NY911Truth feature a blatant anti-semite on their sites? Front page on ny911truth - A Dawning Dictatorship? By Captain Eric H. May - Special Military Correspondent 8/6/07 And MUJCA hosts Captain Eric May on quite a few pages . . . etc. ( a google search returns 14 entries) He sounds reasonable enough on these pages, but apparently no one has read a single other thing the supposed "former" intelligence Captain speculating about numerology has written. One would imagine that the Jewish members of the Muslim Christian Jewish Alliance might take offense, but apparently they haven't noticed either.

    Kevin Barrett:

    I cannot possibly dismiss the arguments of people like Green, Irving, and even Zundel. And even if the 6-million-deliberately-murdered-for-purely-ethnic-reasons figure is correct--which it very well may be; I have grown agnostic on that after studying the Big Lies of Zionism-- I would still have to characterize the Holocaust as it is taught in the US as a hideously destructive myth. [...] The upshot: nobody in the debate should be boycotted or vilified; nobody should be arrested for expressing honestly-held opinions; all voices should be heard; and the destructive myths and mind-numbing censorship imposed by Zionism must be swept clean so an honest assessment of history can emerge--at which point the Holocaust revisionists may very well be proven incorrect. And even if they are, they obviously should not be harassed or vilified, much less jailed!! In the meantime, voices like Green and AFPN should be heard and subjected to rational criticism, not vilified or silenced. And the use of state power to enforce Holocaust Fundamentalism must end! Kevin

    Note Mr. Barrett's words "they obviously should not be harassed or vilified, much less jailed!!" What about writers who don't discuss 9/11? He has a completely different idea about what we should do with them:

    My response to that was, you know, I think that anybody who has drawn a paycheck from the major mainstream journalistic outlets in the past should be up on the scaffold for the crimes of high treason and crimes against humanity."

    What about those who discuss TV fakery and Directed Energy Weapons?

    Many participants lamented the phenomenon of “internet lynch mobs” comprised of angry emailers and bloggers demanding that this or that researcher be banished for heresy. Often these internet lynch mobs are made up of people who have not carefully studied the research issues that they so confidently pronounce on.

    Dialog with theorists who don't respond to critique? Who attack other researchers as "retarded"?

    "The way I study [social interaction] is through dialog... I think we could use a little more conviviality within the Truth movement... one reason for that is that we want people to join us... by reaching out to them in a conviviality way... people will come on board... I think we need to enjoy dialog including with people that we don't agree with... [especially] non-9/11 truth people... I want dialog with [people who support the official story]--dialog is good... this is the key to the politics that we need to practice..."

    More Captain May:

    Dear Mr. Green, I read with great interest your essay "Holocaust Fundamentalism - You WILL Believe" just now, and am eager to forward it to Ghost Troop, my associates (military veterans and civilian supporters). We have come to be astute in the importance of body-count numbers to political purposes, and aren't a bit surprised to find that thoughtful men like you are questioning "official reality" in the Holocaust. Best regards, and good luck with your scholarship! Captain May / Ghost Troop

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. JonGold

    You would be hard pressed to find more Kevin Barrett articles than on my site. I even got him Donna Marsh O'Connor as a guest on his show. I am not happy that Kevin is doing what he's doing. It doesn't make me happy to see someone I considered a friend, and fellow activist, doing things that are detrimental to what we're trying to accomplish.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. NicholasLevis

    Jon, I'm sorry b/c I hate it when people say the same thing to me but I say honestly to you: Get over it. Wave him bye-bye.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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