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Event at VoxPop (2 posts)

  1. christs4sale

    Daniel Estulin who is a long-time researcher of the Bilderberg Group is speaking at Vox Pop on Thursday, October 25 at 7 pm.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. christs4sale

    I went to this and bought the book. It was somewhat interesting. The author's book is broken down into three sections: The Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. So a very similar analysis to Alex Jones. If I had known this, I probably would not have gone. I was reading through the the index and saw only three pages on Prince Bernhardt, the figure-head founder of Bilderberg, and three pages on Dr Joseph Retinger, the founder of Bilderberg. In the end notes, I saw no mention of "Joseph Retinger - Memoirs of and Eminence Grise" by John Pomian as a source, which is the only biography I am aware of on Retinger and is very rare ($90 on Alibris). It shows Retinger's connection to the Vatican by being a Knight of Malta (Allen Dulles, Reinhardt Gehen, J. Peter Grace, William F Buckley, William Donovan, James Angleton and Alexander Haig are or were Knights of Malta meaning they took an allegiance to the military arm of the Vatican) and through Professor Luigi Gedda, another Knight of Malta, virulent anticommunist and a big supporter of Lyndon LaRouche. He mentioned how Retinger was a Jesuit Priest and very critical of the Vatican, which makes no sense because every Jesuit I know of with the level of Nazi links Retinger had (see Father Walsh and Avery Dulles of Georgetown University) were very much connected with the Vatican. According to Mae Brussell's research, the Bilderberg Group was to establish a pan-European unity between two competing power groups, the Vatican (which includes the Paperclip Nazis) and the Anglican (the CFR, the Round Table, the Trilateral Commission). But a unity where the Vatican would be dominant.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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