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Who is Captain May? (3 posts)

  1. Arabesque

    Who is Captain May?

    A supporter of "next 9/11" research and articles, antisemitism, and accusations of COINTELPRO against 9/11 researchers/activists.

    Who is Captain May?

    Captain May, a former Army intelligence and public affairs officer, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop, a 300-strong unit comprised of military and police veterans and active duty, along with civilian research/activists. He is on a self-declared "mission of conscience" to oppose the Bush War Cabal.

    Ghost Troop is

    comprised of former military and interested civilians, many with a background in recon and intelligence... working on the analysis of the 911-to-be (ergo 9112B) event which has been pre-programmed into the public via the media as a matter of WHEN, not IF.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    OK, I guess I've ignored this for long enough. I wasn't looking forward to this because I knew it wouldn't be pretty. And it isn't. Lots of red flags here. Thank you yet again Arabesque for your journalistic candor.

    Your article makes a clear argument for this guy being someone we might better avoid. And as he purports to be intentionally infiltrating organizations in the movement, I'd say we might be suggesting to others that they avoid him as well.

    To be frank, in all my time doing this I haven't heard a story so outrageous as this one. And it brings me to common thread I've found among those people and projects in the movement I believe to be unproductive. In this climate of manufactured fear we should not ourselves be extending fear. Anyone trying to make someone scared is not trying to get them to think rationally.

    No matter how much we might feel a sense of emergency, people's minds are not opened up with a crow bar. We advance the notion that people should be informed, and not that they should instantly recognize the essence of our paradigm shift. They don't have to agree with us to look at the facts. When you promote fear, people see that you have fear. And seeing that fear, they may perceive bias.

    We are trying to increase a general sense of urgency around these issues. But that is a reflection of our rational concerns, as we take action around the facts at hand. In our desire to promote urgency, we should not be tempted by the apparent convenience of sharing our fears with everyone. Not to suggest that our fears are useless or to be excluded. But as with many other things, maybe not promoted.

    So let's be aware of this guy, and increase awareness of him as Arabesque as done, and then not let him distract us in any way from our other concerns.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. Arabesque

    Not only has May endorsed the Kennebunkport warning, but previous warnings as well. In fact, he has been interviewed on the radio by fellow supporters of the Kennebunkport Warning including Jim Fetzer, Kevin Barrett, and Webster Tarpley. Morgan Stack, yet another Kennebunkport warning signer/promoter features his work on his website as noted below by Jim Hoffman. Radio interviews include:


    Other Radio interviews and a list of articles by May are numerous and the “next 9/11” theme is strongly emphasized. A sample of article titles advocating this theme include:

    A Nuclear Nightmare - The Portland Plot

    Stage Set for 'New Pearl Harbor'? Only a domestic terror attack can save discredited Bush

    Loose Nukes Looming Near By

    911-2B: American Nightmare & Neocon Fantasy

    Staging the Portland Nuke (A Comedy of Terrors)

    A Dawning Dictatorship? (911-2B & NSPD-51)

    Next 9/11, Summer, 2007? (w/ Top Three U.S. Nuke Targets)

    Is this Administration planning another 9/11 on May 11th?

    Operation Apocalypse, End-Timers and End-Game Strategy

    911 Truth and Texas Terror


    Mark Rabinowitz from questions why an anti-Semite is promoted by websites like NY911Truth and MUJCA, supposedly a part Jewish alliance:

    "Why does both MUJCA and NY911Truth feature a blatant anti-semite on their sites? ( a google search returns 14 entries [on MUJCA]) He sounds reasonable enough on these pages, but apparently no one has read a single other thing the supposed "former" intelligence Captain speculating about numerology has written. One would imagine that the Jewish members of the Muslim Christian Jewish Alliance might take offense, but apparently they haven't noticed either."

    Posted 16 years ago #


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