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Sibel Edmonds further exposes the myth of US national security (4 posts)

  1. truthmover

    No US media outlet would touch this story, so Edmonds took it to the Sunday Times UK.

    "For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets"

    But they took the safe route, not wanting to piss of their allies in the US government and intelligence community. So we have others filling in the gaps. The article below is a bit more informative, while quoting most of the relevant info from the first.

    "Sibel Edmonds Speaks..."

    Thanks Jon for the heads up.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. Victronix

    A nice summary is here (too bad about the source, but . .. ). I note the many times that Democrats promise to investigate something and nothing ever happens, or make only symbolic protests that they know will just be brushed aside and blocked.

    This is why we need to continue to work on alternative parties or alternative media, at least --

    January 29, 2008 A Sibel Edmonds Timeline "We Can't Afford to Let Them Spill the Beans" By GARY LEUPP

    excerpts of the full article:

    The Office of Special Plans under Abram Shulsky and Douglas Feith cherry-picked the intelligence vetted through the New York Times to terrify people into supporting an attack on Iraq. Democratic leaders have in the past urged an investigation of that spooky office, but furnished the opportunity since November 2006, they have declined to hold hearings.


    Oct. 27: Edmonds appears on CBS' "60 Minutes" program.


    June 17-July 9: Senate Judiciary Committee holds unclassified hearings on Edmunds' allegations.

    June 19: letter from Senior Republican Senator, Charles Grassley, and Senior Democrat Senator, Patrick Leahy to Inspector General Glenn A. Fine concerning Edmonds' allegations.

    July 14: Robert Novak reveals Plame's CIA identity.

    July 22: Edmonds files suit against the Department of Justice, the FBI, and several high-level officials

    Aug. 15: 600 victims of the 9/11 attacks file suit (Burnett v. Al Baraka Investment & Dev. Corp.), request from Edmonds deposition providing evidence for U.S. government foreknowledge of 9-11 attacks.

    Oct. 18, 2002: Attorney General John Ashcroft invokes the State Secrets Privilege . . . Congressman Henry Waxman (D-Ca.) expresses outrage at gag order, promises that a Democratic majority in Congress would conduct hearings. (This has not been done.)


    May 13: Ashcroft retroactively classifies all material that had been provided to Senate Judiciary Committee in 2000 relating to Edmond's lawsuit

    July 6: Edmonds suit dismissed on state secrets grounds.

    July : Edmonds files appeal. On same day, Inspector General releases unclassified summary of a highly classified report on an investigation that had concluded "that many of her allegations were supported, that the FBI did not take them seriously enough, and that her allegations were, in fact, the most significant factor in the FBI's decision to terminate her services. Rather than investigate Edmonds' allegations vigorously and thoroughly, the FBI concluded that she was a disruption and terminated her contract."

    August: Edmonds founds the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC) to address U.S. security weaknesses.


    April 21: In the hours before the hearing of her appeal, three judges issued a ruling that barred all reporters and the public from the courtroom. During the proceedings, Edmonds was not allowed into the courtroom for the hearing.

    May 6: Edmonds' case dismissed, no reason provided, no opinion cited.


    Sept. 2006: a documentary about Sibel Edmonds' case called Kill The Messenger ("Une Femme à Abattre") premiers in France


    Jan. 6: Times of London carries story, "For sale: West's deadly nuclear secrets." "If you made public all the information that the FBI have on this case, you will see very high-level people going through criminal trials."

    Jan. 22: White House issues statement declaring its intention to approve sale of nuclear secrets to Turkey;

    Joshua Franks writes, "It appears the White House has been spooked by Edmonds and hopes to absolve the U.S. officials allegedly involved in the illegal sale of nuclear technology to private Turkish 'entities'." Frank identifies Grossman as one of these officials.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. chrisc

    too bad about the source

    The article was originally on Dissident Voice, which is better source than Counterpunch (it has run pro-9/11 truth articles):

    Some of the comments posted on DV pull Gary Leupp up on his opening remark:

    I am not one to easily embrace conspiracy theories, and in particular have found the idea that 9-11 was somehow an inside job too incredible for serious consideration.

    It's also on Information Clearing House but I haven't looked at the comments there:

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. Victronix

    Diss Voice writers as a rule who don't accept the official version typically advocate that a plane couldn't have hit the Pentagon as a key point. That's a red flag imo.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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