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History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks are an Inside Job (4 posts)

  1. DBLS

    History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks are an Inside Job

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. NicholasLevis

    This TV segment is superficial. It adds nothing you couldn't have got out of NYT and WP in 2001-2002. It supports the idea that an insider scientist did the anthrax attacks and that he has not been exposed because a lot of dirt would come out about illegal programs generally.

    The segment does not say, however, that the anthrax attacks were a sanctioned operation, but implies they were done by a rogue, or a couple of rogues. I think you are well aware that in 9/11 truth parlance, "inside job" in reference to anthrax is commonly used to mean a terror operation against the media and Congress that was designed to intimidate, to assure conformity and guarantee support for the USA PATRIOT Act in the wake of 9/11.

    So the only ones you might fool with this cheerleading are yourself and other 9/11 truth people.

    What's wrong with a rational headline? Exaggeration is not always productive. Respect the language.

    The History Channel is a network on which the documentary was aired. The documentary stated a position, not the network. Furthermore, neither the channel nor the documentary is in any position to "admit" anthrax "was an inside job," unless they a) were in on it or b) have taken a prior official position that it was not an anthrax job.

    For example, the government could "admit" such a proposition. But the HC, at best, could only assert it. Get it?

    Readers who understand words will cease to take you seriously.

    Your two minutes for mindless post, my 12 minutes of correction. You owe me 10 minutes of labor.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    Your two minutes for mindless post, my 12 minutes of correction. You owe me 10 minutes of labor.

    This is quite a common concern with have with Dem. The Alex Jones-friendly headline exaggeration. I've actually edited his post titles on occasion as a result. Of course, everything he posts here he also posts at TruthAction where the moderation is not so tight.

    Also quite common is people like you and I spending too much time trying to reason with someone who has demonstrated no willingness to budge on anything at any time. The only reason it was worth your ten minutes is that TruthMove is a place that welcomes this kind of clarification, and people other than Dem might gain something from it.

    But please don't spend any time assuming he will.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. NicholasLevis

    tm: agreed, including on what the point was.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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