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Welcome to TruthMove! (5 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Welcome to TruthMove!

    welcome... :D -> (!)

    good place to start:

    if you have any other questions, post them here!

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Hello. Great site. I especially like your piece on cognitive dissonance.
    How do we reach people who don't use the internet? I've written a comic designed to be printed out & posted in public places. I invite you to put the link on your Promotion or Action section - under Resources. [url][/url]

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    thanks dave!

    will check it out

    we are also thinking of putting the site into small book/pamphlet form...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. jan

    Great website!

    Considering where we are in course of history, I especially appreciate your eloquent goal paragraphs:

    "Our goal is to have a revolution in consciousness that will drive people to replace the current destructive system with a more humanistic, sustainable one. We hope that this paradigm shift or awakening will be so powerful and widespread that it will mark a new age in human evolution."

    "We are facing unavoidable environmental challenges of pollution, mass extinction, global warming, and peak oil. Other than a true miracle, technology and ingenuity will not save us from reaping what we have sown. Therefore, we see the ideal future as one in which human beings work together rationally to minimize suffering while society transitions to a more positive and sustainable system."

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. truthmod


    thanks for the support. we really are trying to look at the BIG PICTURE. 9/11 is an important piece and opportunity for opening people's minds. the environmental stuff really is more shocking and important to me though.

    and it's not just about any single issue; it's about spreading curiousity and encouraging people to think for themselves.


    Posted 17 years ago #


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