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Truth Movement: Our common priority (1 post)

  1. truthmover

    TruthMove is short for Truth Movement. While many have been using this term when referring to the '9/11 truth movement', we see an important distinction between the two. As there are many movements dedicated to the truth, we feel that any priorities shared by all of them should serve as a basis for mutual growth and progress. The following is a basic summary of this approach.

    A good majority of social movements have one basic priority in common. They each have a set of facts that they want to convey to the public. Facts that are not widely understood or respected as they are not well covered or deeply addressed by the mainstream media.

    These movements and the organizations and individuals within them want the public to be informed about issues that may greatly determine their future. With that information the people are able to guide themselves and one another in a positive direction.

    In other words, all these different social movements have a shared or parallel priority of promoting informed consent and working to maintain those rights associated with it. The right to freedom of expression and the vitality of an independent media being of central importance.

    Therefore, we see here common ground on which these movements can recognize a shared interest that runs parallel to their specific priorities without requiring any compromise of their basic character. And this shared interest can form the basis for unified action.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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