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Message from Mike Ruppert 30 March 2008 (2 posts)

  1. Kim

    Got this in my in-box to-day:


    What happened?

    A World that FTW Predicted.

    Where is Mike Ruppert?

    by Michael C. Ruppert

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    As I said after the 2004 election, September 11th is all but forgotten. No one wants to hear about it anymore. People are too busy worrying about how to keep from becoming homeless.

    "I believe that the Universe is saying to the human race - as Peak Oil and Global Warming threaten all life on the planet - you must either evolve or perish. Grow up or die."

    There was always going to come a time when survival crowded out other concerns. That is not necessarily true for Peak Oil activists. We know that we have done all that we could, balancing to various degrees our concern for fellow man against the requisites of our own survival and health.

    Ruppert deserves his rest and his privacy. The pressure of having so many people depending on you, looking to you for answers, must have been quite a weight. We all need to grow up and learn to walk on our own. Nobody is going to save us from ourselves except ourselves.

    This is how I'm looking at the big picture now also--the balance between spreading information / outreach / trying to inspire mass awakening, and the need to survive / learn to live healthier and happier. I hope the two strains can converge into some sort of conscious community that will help each other survive.

    I think Jenna Orkin maintains this site:

    Posted 16 years ago #


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