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Trial: 'Airline terror plotters planned bigger 9/11' (1 post)

  1. truthmod

    A gang of British Muslims plotted to cause carnage "on an almost unprecedented scale" by detonating up to 18 suicide bombs on transatlantic passenger flights, a court has heard.

    In what would have been the worst terrorist atrocity since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US, the eight defendants planned to kill hundreds and possibly thousands of passengers "all in the name of Islam", it is alleged.

    The plotters were allegedly "almost ready" to carry out their plans to detonate liquid explosives on board at least seven flights from Heathrow to the US and Canada.

    Their plans were allegedly so advanced that they had drawn up details of specific flights to be targeted and bought the components needed to make hydrogen peroxide bombs disguised as soft drinks such as Lucozade and Oasis.


    Posted 16 years ago #


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