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Bilderberg book author pushes "nukes took down WTC" (4 posts)

  1. mark

    There should be a contest for stupidest 9/11 disinformation - the "nukes took down the towers" could win that contest, although "video fakery" is a rival for that award.

    Isn't it funny how most of the writers about Bilderberg seem content to also push the most ridiculous nonsense - Alex Jones, American Free Press, etc.

    I heard Mr. Estulin speak at a local book store while he was on his book tour, he was pretty good but I can't say I read his book. After seeing this on his website, I don't plan to read it now.

    The London Guardian sent a real reporter to Spain to cover the 2010 Bilderberg meeting, unencumbered from also promoting right wing nonsense. The Bilderbergs finally now have their own website -- -- which lists participants, basic topics and their steering committee, although not minutes of their discussions.

    Secrets of September 11 in the light

    Apr 19 2010

    As promised on Friday, here 's the first video of a series of interviews on the subject of the 11-S.

    All the world's covert intelligence operations are divided into well-planned and poorly planned. The 11-S has been a loose operation. Loose, because once all the experts knew that the Twin Towers fell by a nuclear explosion. Another thing, is the world Conspiranoids. But that does not count. It is amazing that 10 years after 11-S, the vast majority still buried anything. Again, 11-S like Bali in 2002, Beirut in 1983, twice bombing the U.S. embassies in Africa, all have been NUCLEAR.

    Two questions for readers:

    What date were the bombings in Africa? What other historical event shares that day?

    What do the words in English GROUND ZERO?

    Dimitri Khalezov is old Russian nuclear intelligence official, Division 12 , highest and secret elite of all divisions of the Russian army.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. christs4sale

    Here is my old post on this:

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. JohnA

    Isn't it funny how most of the writers about Bilderberg seem content to also push the most ridiculous nonsense - Alex Jones, American Free Press, etc.

    funny as in 'ha ha' funny?

    or funny - as in - intentionally putting a turd in the punchbowl funny?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. mark

    The latter.

    If the ultra right wingers who foam at the mouth about Bilderberg are not on their payroll, they are missing a profitable opportunity. That is why it was nice to see a "real" media organization - London Guardian - start covering the Bilderberg meetings, although the Guardian wasn't among the media tycoons who are invited participants.

    Posted 13 years ago #


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